Level 1 online foundation course start the 16 September 2024

Untitled (Logo) (200 × 200 px) (300 × 100 px)

Registration for the Online Foundation Course Level 1
starting the 16th of September 2024

Click here for full course information:
Introduction to dog behaviour, dog language and problem solving.


Terms and conditions 

Price and payment options (please note that part payment is only available with credit card/Stripe):

  • Full payment upon registration
    Total price: 630 Euro/690 USD including BONUSES value €740/$830

Please note that part payment includes a fee of 15 Euro/USD per payment.

  • 2 part payment:
    330 Euro/ 360 USD upon registration
    330 Euro/ 360 USD due the 16th of October
    Total price: 660 Euro/ 720 USD

  • 3 part payment:
    225 Euro/245 USD upon registration
    225 Euro/245 USD due the 16th of October
    225 Euro/245 USD due the 16th of November
    Total price: 675 Euro/735 USD

  • 4 part payment:
    173 Euro/188 USD upon registration
    173 Euro/188 USD due the 16th of October
    172 Euro/187 USD due the 16th of November
    172 Euro/187 USD due the 16th of December
    Total price: 690 Euro/750 USD

  • 5 part payment:
    141 Euro/153 USD upon registration
    141 Euro/153 USD due the 16th of October
    141 Euro/153 USD due the 16th of November
    141 Euro/153 USD due the 16th of December
    141 Euro/153 USD due the 16th of January 2025
    141 Euro/153 USD due the 16th of February 2025

Please note: 50 Euro/50 US dollar is a non-refundable administration fee.

Written cancellations are accepted until the day before the course starts. After the start of the course no refund.

Contact information

We'll send your receipt and other important info to this email.

Order summary

Level 1 online foundation course start the 16 September 2024

EUR 630
Total due EUR 630

Payment information

All transactions are secured using 256-bit encryption.